Account information & Security
How to change the password on my account?
  • Go to personal settings
  • Scroll down to the ‘Change password’ section
  • Insert current password
  • Create and confirm the new password
  • Confirm the modifications by pressing ‘Save changes’
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    I forgot my password, how can I log in?
    • Go to the login page on the website
    • Press ‘Forgot password?’

    • Insert your e-mail address that was used for the registration (make sure that no gaps are left) and press ‘Send’
    • A password recovery e-mail will be sent to you right after, where you will be asked to reset your password. Follow the instructions, create a new password, and press ‘Save’ to confirm
    • Please try to log in to your PeerBerry account using your new password

    If changes were not successful, please reach out to our Customer Support.

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      How to set up the two-factor authenticator (2FA)?

      To activate:

      • Go to personal settings on your account
      • Enable the ‘Two-factor authentication’
      • Open the Authenticator app on your phone, select the option ‘+’ to add a new account, and scan the QR code from the PeerBerry page
      • Insert the 6-digit verification code from the app and press ‘Enable’
      • Confirm the modifications by pressing ‘Save changes’ in your settings

      To de-activate:

      • Go to personal settings on your account
      • Disable the ‘Two-factor authentication’
      • Open the Authenticator app, copy the 6-digit verification code, insert it in the PeerBerry page, and press ‘Disable’
      • Confirm the modifications by pressing ‘Save changes’ in your settings

      Logging in via a Google/Apple account works as an additional verification, therefore, a 2FA code is not requested.

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        I have lost my mobile device and the 2FA is activated on my account, how can I log in?

        You must reach out to our Customer Support for further assistance to access your account. Please note that due to security reasons you may be asked for additional information.

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          How to edit my contact details?

          You may only edit your residence address in your settings. Insert the new address and press ‘Save changes’ to update your information.

          If any of the other contacts have changed, please send a request via e-mail or chat message to our Customer Support team to update the details.

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            I have changed my name/surname, how to update this information on my account?

            If your name or surname has officially changed, you will have to re-verify your identity. Please reach out to us right after the new identification document is issued, your name/surname on your account will be changed after you will successfully re-verify yourself.

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              How to delete my PeerBerry account?

              If you have decided to delete your PeerBerry account, you have to go to your personal settings and initiate your profile deletion here:

              Right after, you will receive an e-mail with a request to confirm your account deletion.

              Please make sure to have all of your funds withdrawn before confirming.

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