Updated at 12-12-2024 04:51 UTC
Real Estate
Si Baltic LLC
LLC Pakrantės būstas
Lithome LT
Credit365 MD
Aventus Group
Auto-Money KZ
Cash-Express PH
Půjčka Plus CZ
Aventus NT
Lendplus ZA
LendPlus KE
A Credit KZ
Credit7 RO
Credito365 MX
A Credit RO
Smart credito ES
NovaLend PL
Findom KZ
LendPlus IN
Onecredit KZ
e-com money
Credit Plus KZ
UltraDinero MX
Zecredit UA
Credit365 KZ
Credito365 CO
Gofingo UA
Euro Groshi UA
LoanPlus LK
1-15 days late
16-30 days late
31-60 days late
61-120 days late
121-180 days late
180+ days late
Note. PeerBerry has never had regular loans overdue for more than 60 days. There have never been defaulted loans in PeerBerry’s history.
Please note that war-affected lenders have another status, and war-affected loans are treated differently than performing loans. War is a force majeure event; it is in no way a business fault or failure.
Covered obligations
Remaining obligations
Covered obligations
Remaining obligations