Categories & Conditions
How to become a loyal investor?
  • You have to be a member of PeerBerry for more than 90 days;
  • In your active investment portfolio, you have to have 10 000 Eur or more.
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    What defines an active investment portfolio?

    The active investment portfolio is your investments and your current balance summed. For example, if you have 9 000 Eur invested and 1 500 Eur available, your active investment portfolio would account for 10 500 Eur.

    When calculations for a possible upgrade to a loyalty category would happen, you would be included in the Silver loyalty category, and an additional interest bonus of +0.5% would be automatically applied to all of your new investments.

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      What loyalty categories are there?


      Active investment portfolio from 10 000 Eur will grant you an additional interest bonus of +0.5% for your future investments;


      Active investment portfolio from 25 000 Eur will grant you an additional interest bonus of +0.75% for your future investments;


      An active investment portfolio from 40 000 Eur will grant you an additional interest bonus of +1% for your future investments.

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        Can I skip a Silver loyalty category and go straight to Gold/Platinum?

        Yes, you can. The very first upgrade to a loyalty category happens within 1-2 days after the 90 days period ends (to become a loyal investor, you have to be a PeerBerry customer for at least 90 days and have more than 10 000 Eur in your portfolio).

        Later, calculations happen at the very last days of each month, and the updates appear on the very first days of each new month. You will be able to check your loyalty status change in your ‘Personal settings’ -> ‘Other information’ -> ‘Loyalty category’.

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