06 September 2019
PeerBerry goes an extra-mile to increase protection of investments
Responding to statements by various economists about future possible economic challenges in different markets, the ultimate alternative investment marketplace PeerBerry goes an extra-mile to increase protection of investments. Most of loans offered on PeerBerry platform are double secured providing buyback guarantee together with additional guarantee.
The importance of guarantees
Arūnas Lekavičius, CEO of PerrBerry highlights, that the core of the investment business is security, that’s why all loans listed on PeerBerry since the beginning of company activity are secured with buyback guarantee. The company pays very high attention on risk management, carefully selects reliable partners – loan originators.

Our clients are the cornerstone of our business and our biggest assets. Strong focus to investors’ expectations, high level of risk management and innovativeness led us to become one of the most trustful and one of the best performing P2P marketplace platforms in Europe.
Arūnas Lekavičius
Buyback guarantee is loan originators’ obligation to exercise buyback of the claim if the borrower delays the payments by more than 60 days. In such a case loan originator will buy back loans in full with accrued interest.
“PeerBerry loan originators are periodically evaluated according to our internal procedures. The evaluation includes both – the financial situation, the quality of the loan portfolio and the analysis of applied internal processes. We care about our investors’ money and our reputation, so we make sure, that loan originators are able to fulfill their obligations and it doesn’t matter in which country loan originator operates“ – tells A. Lekavičius.
How does additional guarantee work
„In case some loan originator will face financial troubles and will not be able to implement buyback guarantee, additional guarantee will ensure additional protection for our clients investments“ – explains A. Lekavičius.
Buyback guarantee together with additional guarantee works as a double protection for your investments.
Loan originators, which loans are listed on PeerBery platform, work under Aventus Group and Gofingo name. The main PeerBerry partner Aventus Group has signed additional guarantee agreements for companies which are new on platform and are not so strong financially yet as old ones.
“Additional guarantee means that in case of insolvency, Aventus Group and Gofingo will do everything on purpose to protect your investments, maintain transparency and good reputation of all partners – loan originators” – says A. Lekavičius.
Investments with no loss
“Since the beginning of PeerBerry activity our investors have not suffered any losses. This fact proves that risk management stands as one of the highest priorities for us not in the words but in action. We will continue working on investments with no-loss strategy“ – highlights PeerBerry CEO.
During almost two years, PeerBerry investors community grew up to 14 000 investors and it is steadily growing each month.