10 November 2021
October 2021 | The total amount of interest paid to PeerBerry investors exceeded EUR 9 million
In October, like in previous months this year, PeerBerry demonstrated steady growth. The amount of loans funded on the platform grew by 6% compared with the previous month.
New business partners joined the PeerBerry platform in October – lending companies SelfieCredit from Ukraine and CashXpress from the Philippines, and real estate developer Aventus Development.
In October, the total interest paid to PeerBerry investors (since PeerBerry launch) exceeded EUR 9 million.
Key figures for the end of October 2021
- the total portfolio at the end of October: EUR 76 925 901 (+6% vs September 2021)
- total loans funded (cumulative since inception): EUR 819 129 790 (+8% growth)
- the loan volume funded in October: EUR 58 873 637 (+6% vs September 2021)
- the number of loans originated in October: 346 081 (+5% vs September 2021)
- the interest earned by investors since inception: EUR 9 079 006 (+8% growth)
- the average annual ROI at the end of October: 10,96% (+0,13% ppvs September 2021)
- the average interest rate of loans originated in October: 10,29% (-0,10 % ppvs September 2021)
- the number of investors at the end of October: 45 948 (+1702 new investors per month)
On average, more than 1 638 new investors join the PeerBerry platform every month this year.