01 October 2023
September 2023 | Another record month with EUR 75.7M of funded loans
PeerBerry closed one more record month – in September, PeerBerry investors funded EUR 75.7 million of loans, which again is the highest amount in PeerBerry’s history.
In September, PeerBerry paid out EUR 1.5 million of interest to investors (EUR 850 186 for investments in regular loans and EUR 641 439 of accumulated interest for investments in war-affected short-term loans).
PeerBerry’s portfolio amounted to EUR 117.38 million at the end of September.
1001 new investors joined the platform last month. Currently, PeerBerry has over 74 550 verified investors.

Since PeerBerry’s inception, PeerBerry investors have already funded EUR 2.1 billion in loans on the platform.
Under the Group guarantee mechanism in 19 months of the war, PeerBerry business partners have already repaid EUR 45.52 million or 90.64% of the total outstanding war-affected obligations. The remaining war-affected amount will be repaid monthly until all war-affected obligations are covered in full.