10 May 2023
In 2022, PeerBerry d.o.o. earned a net profit of EUR 663 455
In 2022, PeerBerry d.o.o. made a net profit of EUR 663 455 – 2,6 times or 160% more than the platform’s profit in 2021.

Last year, PeerBerry investors earned EUR 7,16 million in interest – about one million or 12% more than in 2021. In total, investors on the PeerBerry platform have already earned over EUR 21 million in interest.
PeerBerry’s loan portfolio grew by 19% last year and amounted to EUR 101,18 million at the end of 2022.

Last year, through the PeerBerry platform, EUR 537,5 million of loans were funded—currently, the total funded loans on PeerBerry amount to EUR 1,75 billion.
In 2022, 14 524 new investors (on average, 1210 new investors per month) have joined the PeerBerry platform, i.e., the PeerBerry investor community grew by 30% last year. Currently, PeerBerry has more than 69 000 verified users.
2022 will be recorded in PeerBerry’s history as a year of invaluable experience. Due to Russia’s terrorist war in Ukraine, 50% of PeerBerry’s portfolio got into the war fire. PeerBerry got the most substantial hit of the war compared to other platforms in the market; however, PeerBerry remains the best-performing platform in the entire market in covering obligations to investors. Under the Group guarantee mechanism in 14 months of the war, PeerBerry business partners have already repaid EUR 36.8 million, or 73.3% of the total war-affected obligations towards PeerBerry investors.
We invite you to review PeerBerry Annual Report 2022 here.
Note. In this announcement, PeerBerry profit is recalculated from HRK 4 987 303 to EUR 663 455 at the exchange rate of the end of 2022 (EUR 1 = HRK 7.517174).