09 June 2021
In 2020, PeerBerry's business partner AutoMoney UA earned twice higher profit than in 2019
In 2020, PeerBerry’s business partner in Ukraine AutoMoney earned EUR 25 850 in net audited profit – 2,4 times more than in 2019.
Key figures of AutoMoney UA (Aventus Leasing, LLC)
- Net audited profit EUR 25 850 (2,4 times more than in 2019)
- Total assets EUR 2 964 801
- Equity EUR 149 570
- Liabilities EUR 2 815 231
The company is established in 2018. Currently, AutoMoney UA employs 90 employees.
The AutoMoney UA financial statements 2020 prepared in accordance with the IFRS can be found here

“Long-term lending business requires larger investments at the beginning. It also takes longer to make a profit, but together with the AutoMoney team, we have managed to turn the company profitable from the first year of operation. We are still a young company, so the fact that we are successfully growing and making a profit for the second year in a row, even in challenging market conditions, makes us proud of our results” – says Oleg Minik, CEO of AutoMoney in Ukraine.
“We see a positive recovery in the market, so we plan that our business volumes will grow even more this year” – comments O. Minik.
AutoMoney UA partners with PeerBerry since 2019.
Visit AutoMoney UA on https://www.automoney.ua/.