30 July 2021
PeerBerry partner Credit Plus KZ earned EUR 319,768 in net audited profit in 2020, partner in Moldova plans profitable 2021
In 2020, PeerBerry’s business partner Credit Plus KZ earned EUR 319 768 in net audited profit. Last year was the first year of Credit Plus KZ operations. The company partners with PeerBerry for one year – since July 2020.
Key figures of Credit Plus KZ (legal entity Kredit Seven Kazakhstan, LLC)
- Net audited profit EUR 319 768
- Total assets EUR 1 943 919
- Equity EUR 610 393
- Liabilities EUR 1 189 338

“2020 was the first year of our activities, and we finished the year profitably, which we are proud of. In the first half of the current year, our company earned more than EUR 260 000 euros, and this is more than 81% of the profit for the entire 2020. We see a very positive overall development of the Kazakh market and till the end of this year, we plan a profit near to EUR 1 million. Our long-term goal is to become one of the most attractive employers in the market and one of the largest microfinance companies in Kazakhstan” – says Andrey Trigubenko, CEO of Credit Plus KZ.
Currently, Credit Plus KZ employs 114 employees.
Visit Credit Plus KZ at https://creditplus.kz/.
Moldovan partner Credit 7 MD / Credit 365 MD (legal entity N.C.O. Aventus Finance S.R.L.) ended the year 2020 with EUR 138 138 net audited loss, mainly because of the changes in local regulation and company’s development last year.
„2020 was a year of ups and downs. We had to support our clients who were affected by the pandemic situation. We also had to face new regulations from the local authorities – new regulation regarding asset classification was introduced last year. Despite all developments in the market, we fulfilled all our obligations to PeerBerry investors very smoothly. Adjusting our business to the new realities, we also have achievements we are happy about. We increased our offline presence from 3 to 11 offline offices. The number of our active clients increased from 7 thousand to more than 10 thousand. Our income grew from EUR 0,84 million to EUR 1,7million. The amount of issued loans has increased from EUR 3,7 million in 2019, to more than EUR 5 million in 2020. The above-mentioned causes led our company to a negative result on our balance sheet and we registered a net audited loss in the amount of EUR 138 k, mostly due to the increase of expenses related to provisions for loans, interest, and commission, and losses from FX fluctuations” – las years results explains Roman Gutu, CEO of Credit 7/Credit 365 in Moldova.
„This year the situation in our market has significantly improved, we are in a positive development trend, and the Moldavian company will end this year profitably” – adds Roman Gutu.

PeerBerry’s business partner in Moldova has started cooperation with PeerBerry in 2019. Currently, Credit 7 MD/Credit 365 MD employs 60 employees.
Visit Credit 7 MD at https://credit7.md/.
Visit Credit 365 MD at https://credit365.md/.