11 November 2019
PeerBerry launches website for Spanish speaking clients
In the beginning of November PeerBerry launched its website in Spanish language. Due to this upgrade PeerBerry services became more attractive for Spanish speaking investors. Now investors on PeerBerry website are welcomed in three languages – English, German and Spanish.
Since the beginning of PeerBerry activity, during two years, community of investors at PeerBerry grew up to more than 15 000 of satisfied clients. Investors from Spain rank second in terms of the number of investors on PeerBerry platform. According to Analytics of PeerBerry website, the traffic from Spain to the website is constantly increasing. These indicators led PeerBerry to launch a Spanish page.
The majority of PeerBerry investors are Germans. The second and third groups of investors are from Spain and Portugal. According to PeerBerry data, at the beginning of November 2019 other countries in TOP 10 ranks as following: Romania, Denmark, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Italy, Finland and Netherlands.

As according to the number of investors, as to invested amounts, investors from Spain takes second place in PeerBerry portfolio. And the biggest part of investments in the portfolio are made by German investors.

Looking at the average amount invested per one investor, the map of the countries differs. However, investors from Spain still are in the top 10 countries, taking 10th place. Germany ranks in the 3rd place, investors from Singapore, Finland and Sweden have the highest average amounts.

The most recent PeerBerry statistics show that the tendency of new investors growth by countries remains the same – the biggest part of new PeerBerry investors come from Germany and Spain.