05 March 2020
PeerBerry review February 2020 - new achievements
PeerBerry February 2020 review. PeerBerry reached new miles in numbers. The interest earned by investors’, counting since the inception of PeerBerry in February this year has exceeded 2 million Eur. The number of PeerBerry investors exceeded 19 000 last month. According to the data announced by p2p-banking.com for February month, PeerBerry firmly ranks No 2 among P2P platforms in continental Europe in terms of loans funded.
The main PeerBerry figures for February 2020:
- total loan volume originated since inception – 231 855 020 Eur;
- loan volume originated in February – 19 486 105 Eur;
- number of loans originated in February – 85 790;
- interest earned by investors since inception – 2 187 347 Eur;
- interest paid to investors in February – 219 449 Eur;
- average annual investment return – 13.01%;
- average nominal interest rate of loans originated in February – 12.46 %;
- number of investors at the end of February – 19 376.
“Last month our team was mainly focused on technical improvements of our platform, such as Auto Invest efficiency improvements and website upgrades. Very soon in March more information on loan originators and statistics will be available to our investors on the PeerBerry website” – explains Arūnas Lekavičius, CEO of PeerBerry.
It’s also important to note that in February PeerBerry was continuing implementing further steps in the process of becoming a regulated entity, seeking to obtain the Investment Brokerage license. This is quite a long process. As soon as we have more specific information about the regulatory process, we will immediately share it with our investors.
P2P platforms ranking according to loan volume in February 2020