10 June 2024
PeerBerry introduces an additional measure to protect investors' funds

To ensure even higher protection of our investors’ funds, we are starting to apply an additional security measure—each withdrawal request will have to be confirmed by the verification code sent to the investor’s email. The code sent to the investor is valid for one hour. The withdrawal request will be automatically canceled if the investor does not confirm the withdrawal within one hour or fails to type the withdrawal confirmation code correctly several times.

The withdrawal request confirmation functionality is implemented for both desktop users and PeerBerry app users.

Please note other measures we apply to keep you cautious and to prevent your funds so no one else except you can withdraw them:

  • A two-factor authenticator (2FA) is in place on PeerBerry to secure your account. If you need help understanding how to use this tool, please read the information in our Help section or contact our Client Support for advice.
  • Deposit/withdrawal confirmation emails. When the new deposit (no matter the amount) is made to the investor’s account, the account holder receives the email confirming the deposit approval. The deposit confirmation email is dedicated to triggering the investor’s attention to ensure whether the user made such a deposit. Moreover, the first and the last characters of the bank account from which the deposit was made are shown in the email. Ensure it is your account; if not, contact our Client Support immediately. Our investors also receive the withdrawal confirmation emails indicating to which bank account the withdrawal was made. After receiving such an email, make sure the withdrawal is sent to your bank account.
  • Withdrawals are not processed to newly added bank accounts on the same day. If we receive the deposit from the new bank account, and the withdrawal request is initiated to the newly added account quickly, we may perceive such behavior as suspicious, which is why we do not process withdrawals to newly added bank accounts on the same day. In case you need to withdraw to the new bank account on the same day you added the account please contact our Client Support to verify it is you to receive your withdrawal faster.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Client Support. Stay safe, and keep in touch with us.