03 September 2022
P2P Empire findings during the visit to the PeerBerry office (video)
Since most of our investors are foreigners, their visits to our office are rare. Therefore, we are especially honored to meet them live and answer their questions in face-to-face meetings.
In May this year, our investor Jakub Krejci traveled around the Baltic countries and dedicated one day of his trip to us, visiting the PeerBerry office in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Jakub has been investing in the PeerBerry platform for the fifth year, so we were glad to meet him live. Together we discussed topics and questions that interested him.
Jakub prepared a review about his visit to PeerBerry. We invite you to watch the video that covers the following topics:
- risk in emerging markets & risk management,
- group guarantee,
- distribution of war-affected loans,
- investment opportunities,
- Jakub’s conclusion and key takeaways.

Jakub Krejci is an investor who shares his own investing experience with other investors. He is a founder of P2P Empire – a P2P lending comparison website with the latest reviews and news from the P2P lending market.
We are always open to answering any of your questions. Do not hesitate to address your questions to us or visit us when you are in Vilnius, Lithuania.