02 December 2022
November 2022 | EUR 47.6 million of loans were funded
In November, PeerBerry investors funded EUR 47 606 299 of loans and received EUR 648 080 in interest.
1183 new investors joined the platform in November.
The average annual ROI (without loyalty interest) on PeerBerry in November was 11,1%.
At the end of November, PeerBerry’s portfolio amounted to almost EUR 98 880 554.

The total amount of loans funded since the start of PeerBerry’s operation at the end of November amounted to EUR 1 447 091 278. The total interest paid to investors amounted to EUR 17 045 511.

In November, a new business partner, Aventus Group company A Credit from Kazakhstan, joined the PeerBerry platform.
Last month, PeerBerry business partners repaid over EUR 1,8 million in war-affected loans. Up to date, PeerBerry business partners have already repaid EUR 27,13 million, or 54% of war-affected obligations toward investors.
PeerBerry will process the nearest repayment of war-affected loans in mid-December.