16 June 2021
In 2020, Gofingo Group companies in Ukraine earned EUR 747 935 in net audited profit
In 2020, PeerBerry’s business partners Gofingo Group companies in Ukraine Euro Groshi, Gofingo, and Zecredit all together earned EUR 747 935 in net audited profit. Last years’ profit of all companies is slightly higher than in 2019.
“Our efforts to keep business growth stable in challenging 2020 were successful. We were focused on the proper risk management, business efficiency, also on our clients’ needs, changes in legislation, etc. We expect to keep our profitability growth in Ukrainian market not less than 5-10% this year”, – says Ignas Dundulis, CEO of Gofingo Group.

Key figures of Euro Groshi UA (European Credit Group, LLC)
- Net audited profit EUR 621 423 (+1,6% more than in 2019)
- Total assets EUR 2 378 640
- Equity EUR 1 489 424
- Liabilities EUR 889 216
The company is established in 2016. Currently, Euro Groshi UA employs 56 employees.
The Euro Groshi UA financial statements 2020 prepared in accordance with the IFRS can be found here.
Visit Euro Groshi at https://www.eurogroshi.ua/.
Key figures of Gofingo UA (Gofingo, LLC)
- Net audited profit EUR 79 160 (+18,7% more than in 2019)
- Total assets EUR 2 242 110
- Equity EUR 308 035
- Liabilities 1 934 075
The company is established in 2018. Currently, Gofingo UA employs 82 employees.
The Gofingo UA financial statements 2020 prepared in accordance with the IFRS can be found here
Visit Gofingo at https://www.gofingo.com.ua/.
Key figures of Zecredit UA (Investrum, LLC)
- Net audited profit EUR 47 352 (+27% more than in 2019)
- Total assets EUR 2 096 196
- Equity EUR 235 380
- Liabilities EUR 1 860 816
The company is established in 2018. Currently, Zecredit UA employs 60 employees.
The Zecredit UA financial statements 2020 prepared in accordance with the IFRS can be found here
Visit Zecredit at https://www.zecredit.com.ua/.