08 April 2021
Check out the latest updates in the PeerBerry app for Android
Check out the latest updates in the PeerBerry app for Android
We are very excited that our mobile app was met with the best feedback we have received from many of you. And we are not going to stop here – we are constantly improving our app to make it even more convenient for you to use and to ensure even more benefits.
Please download the latest updates available for Android users:
- UX/UI improvements to the manual investment tool – the prefilled amount of the available to invest funds; the display of not invested amount,
- “Saved filters” function and new filters for filtering loans according to different parameters, like loans with the group guarantee etc.
- The account balance change display is available in the Overview section,
- Investment portfolio distribution by country is added to the portfolio statistics.

For iOS users, this update will be released a little bit later.
What’s next?
In the next stages of the app updates, push notifications, live chat, a dark-mode version, and many more useful features will be offered to you.
For those who are not yet using the PeerBerry app, we remind you that the mobile app provides you with the full functionality of the service. In the mobile application, you can:
- track your investment portfolio statistics,
- invest manually,
- create an Auto Invest strategy, or
- choose one of the proposed Auto Invest strategies/plans,
- add funds,
- make withdrawals, etc.
Download your app: