Business partner: Aventus Group
Préstamos financiados
1 007 993
Garantía de recompra
Garantía de grupo
Interés promedio

About the company

Cash X has used Aventus Group’s knowledge, experience, and FinTech solutions to successfully launch its operations in Sri-Lanka. The company Cash X is established on August 30, 2019. Cash X is an online lending platform where borrowers can apply for instant short-term loans by filling up an online application. Approval can be finalized in a few minutes, and the borrower can get funds in his/her account in no time. Cash X target is to cater to exceptional service for the people who need funds for more urgent requirements and Cash X competitive fee structure makes the company special for its clients. Cash X loans, offered to PeerBerry investors, are double secured – backed by a buyback guarantee and a Group guarantee.

Fundada 2019.08
Empleados 43
Se unió a PeerBerry 2021.02
Tipo de préstamo A corto plazo
País global/flags/32×24/lk Created with Sketch. Sri Lanka